Who is Ivy

"Who are you?" the Caterpillar asks her. Alice replies in a negative, defensive, and tentative way: "I — I hardly know, Sir, just at present — at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." -Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1865

When asked who I am I have always been hesitant to answer. I feel that I am constantly changing, evolving, and adapting at every turn. I have been a daughter, a wife, an aunt, a cousin, a student, a lover, and a friend. In this season of my life, I feel that I am a teacher. I have had enough experience to learn some valuable lessons and see life with refreshed eyes. By no means do I know everything and my cup is nowhere full. I am still learning and growing. But I invite you to join me in this process, to listen to my stories, and enjoy my art. I am not at a place where vulnerability is no longer synonymous with weakness.

There is nothing here for you but an invitation to witness my experience with this human existence. In an attempt to heal myself from past trauma I will be as transparent as possible (within my safety because of …life). I hope through this we can both learn something. Welcome to me and I hope you stay a while.